We as the church (Christians), as so called lovers of people, MUST come to accept the broken and the suffering and be more comfortable sitting with them through the desert of their lives. We need to relax about people’s struggles and realize that it is ok for people to have bad, ugly days, months, even years! To have times where they turn to Jesus and to us and say tell me why I should stay, or care or live or believe and we can tell them “because I love you just the way you are! So does Jesus! I want you in my life, just the way you are! Be broken and be my friend!” Because when one is broken they will finally understand the cross and the sacrifice and the reason for suffering...and there is an incredible, beautiful way to respond to suffering! With GRACE, a hug, even when it is considered inappropriate under current guidelines! To help others and live like Jesus we have to touch people and touch messy lives! Figuratively and literally! Compassion requires us to get dirty! Bearing one another’s burdens, which is fulfilling the law of Christ by the way, is messy if you do it right! When a traumatized or anxiety laden person hides from the world, seek them out and sit with them in their hiding place! That way they will realize all the sooner that their secret place has actually all along been in the shadow of the Almighty! When a friend with a disease ridden body screams at the universe, scream with them and they will come to see that God not only hears them, but saves every tear of pain and anguish, He bottles them! When a deeply, darkly, depressed and suicidal person yearns for a way out of their pain yearn with them, vocally, to their face! They will surely come to see the face of God looking back at them and they may just find a reason to live behind your smile or tears or hug or handhold or the desperation in the voice of your prayers for them! You don’t need all the answers! You can say “I don’t know, I question that too and here is how God showed himself faithful in my life! I know he will do the same for you!” But whatever you do, do it passionately! Do it imperfectly! Do it from a place of understanding grace during your own brokenness! Do it broken! Do it scarred! God is good...All the time!